Project Inc

Gender inclusive schools


Project Inc - Gender inclusive schools

From the beginning, it was clear that this project would need to be approached with sensitivity and thoughtfulness.

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Inc Project needed a vibrant and inclusive brand to reflect its mission: helping young people of all backgrounds and identities feel safe, respected and valued at school.

Delivered by School of Hard Knocks, the charity wanted to produce a collection of informative guides to be distributed through its partner schools, helping teachers, parents and pupils to be more supportive of trans, non-binary and gender exploring people.

The vision

From the beginning, it was clear that this project would need to be approached with sensitivity and thoughtfulness, avoiding stereotypical depictions of the LGBTQIA+ community while reflecting all identities in an open-minded way.

We decided that the best way to do this would be to take inspiration from the young people Inc Project aims to help. Adapted from notes and doodles that were made during focus groups attended by pupils, we produced a series of illustrations and icons that celebrate individualism and acceptance in schools. Paired with a bright, youthful colour palette and geometric shapes, the visual language feels both age-appropriate and open-ended, allowing everyone who encounters the brand to feel seen and represented.

The outcome

With a compassionate brand to support its goals, Inc Project is actively helping to make schools more welcoming and accepting for people of all genders and orientations.

By creating a considerately-designed website, printed guide, posters and flyers to be distributed throughout Inc Project’s partner schools, we’ve helped the charity to spread its inclusive message to all corners of the communities it works in. The charity is now exploring ways to extend its work to more schools within and outside of Wales.

What we did

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Inc guide cover
Inc guide inside
Posters created for Project Inc
Inc project shown on mobile phone screen
Badges created for Project Inc
Illustration created for Project inc